Corporate training
Our goal is to stimulate your employees of all caders to think in line with your vision and become creative so that your business and reputation grows far more.

We create coaching culture in organisation
If you are looking to build self-value, creativity, co-operation and goal-orientation, corporate coaching and training has a role to play. You recover multiple of your investment in people through coaching.
Coaching in the corporate setting uses the synergy of the organisation and its members to enable them to evolve their capacity for learning and renewal into achievement of extraordinary results.
Corporate coaching is central to a cultural evolution process that shifts the landscape of the workplace from one where people receive direction from others to one where people commit to doing things they care passionately about. Everyone wins, and organisations achieve competitive advantage when organisational members’ creativity and potential are realised.
What is the context for corporate coaching?
Intense global competition, advances in computer and telecommunications technology, product and service innovation, and the emergence of the customer as a central player in the organisation, have created a new corporate imperative.
To sustain competitive advantage, indeed to survive, organisations will be compelled to continuously innovate with unprecedented speed. Rapid responses to the marketplace will be possible only in those organisations which promote continual advances in knowledge within their cultures. To do this, organisational leaders and members alike must radically shift the way they think and act in relationship to work. They must place a new emphasis on learning and the harnessing of individual and collective creativity. This will require a new type of workplace relationship.
Coaching provides both a technology and a process for such a relationship, and is one of the cornerstones for organisational evolution.

What are the benefits of coaching for the organisation?
• Provides a platform for organisational evolution
• Results in improved workforce recruitment and retention
• Is applicable to all parts of the organisation
• Uses a common language which everyone can relate to
• Emphasises the unique potential of individuals
• Is relevant to individuals as well as teams
• Provides a vehicle for establishing internal and external networks and partnerships
• Enhances communication with internal and external customers
• Complements other improvement processes
• Has sustainable benefits
• Promotes focused performance discussions
• Promotes development of new skills
• Forms a basis for planning for career advancement
• Fosters entrepreneurial thinking
• Facilitates the building of shared vision

Internal organisation coaching and training
It’s interesting to know that Organisations employing 250 employees in UK amount to only 0.5% of all employers yet employ 45% of the labour force and account for nearly half of output, by value. A small proportion of these organisations have full complement of effective coaches to do internal coaching.
Successful coaches will have developed core skills, knowledge and personal attributes, which they apply in a variety of ways, or styles, in response to the needs of the situation and individual. They understand the nature of the coaching relationship – not
personal therapy, but professional development. Coaching sessions are often quite difficult and challenging, so it is essential to
have skilled, sophisticated coaches who are able to hold the relationship together.