Frequently Asked Questions
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Coaching is a means of bringing out the best in people. Like football coach who brings out best in player, a life coach brings out your best potential to fulfil your desires, to make your dreams come true. They are skilled in helping you removing your obstacles and constantly improving yourself to achieve goals. They improve the clarity of your vision and focus you to path of progress to bring success in your life.
A life coach will provide a simple, yet effective structure of support to assist and guide you formoving forward in your personal and professional life.
Life coach is a catalyst. The coach helps you to think through want you want and how to go about getting it, and helps you to develop a realistic action plan to make this happen – but the real magic starts to happen when you want and commit to change yourself and open up your mind to new possibilities.
A coach can help you to develop a life plan, accept a change, reduce stress, stick to an exercise program, lose weight, get more organized, get a better job, go to higher education, motivate to start your own business, make more money, have a more balanced life with more time for yourself , a change of job or even career , to do more exercise , to feel more self confident , to take up a new hobby or challenge , to improve a relationship with a friend or loved one, increase efficiency at work, provide more motivation and thus achieve any thing that you wanted but haven’t been able to get.
Coaching helps team leaders and the team members to see the view point of the team and organisation in a constructive way and motivate them to achieve the goals.
The demand on leaders has grown lot more in recent years i.e. consultation and involvement – but leaders still get criticised for not having and communicating a compelling vision and purpose ; autonomy and freedom – but leaders are still expected to take full responsibility when things go wrong ; opportunities for growth, challenge and glory – but leaders must be on hand to coach and mentor us so that we develop our potential ; inclusion and team spirit – but we still want our leaders to give us individual recognition and acknowledgement. However, there are not enough talented (ie: super-human) individuals who can meet all these demands without being drained fro inside.
Coaching relieves the leaders from feeling lonely and burdened, and provide a sounding board for open and free discussion to develop effective strategies. It helps to develop harmony rather than manager- member split in the team and helps developing vision that ease accepting the change that eventually benefit both individual and organisation.
A corporate coach takes into consideration the vision, mission and culture of an organization and the values and professional goals of an individual. The goal is to make sure that both are in alignment. When the vision, mission and culture of an organization are in alignment with an individual’s values and professional goals, the employee is committed to the organization, more productive, effective and happier at their job. This handles the retention and productivity issues that many organizations face.
Emotional Intelligence is “Ability to use emotional information and emotional energy to understand and motivate self and others for personal and professional development, and to create an environment of harmony with fellow persons to achieve success”. This can also be defined in short as “ability to understand self and others around, to make the life a positive experience”.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the general catch phrase for an area that is relevant to all of us, because it relates to the most important skills we use every day. And whether you know it or not, these skills – that determine how well you know yourself, how well you deal with all that happens to you, and how well you deal with others – are vitally important to your success.
Social and emotional abilities were four times more important than IQ in determining professional success and prestige. Emotionally intelligent people are generally optimistic, flexible and realistic, and are fairly successful in solving problems and coping with stress without losing control. This is a road to sure success and can be acquired. Sandra Ford Watson , international author of book Courage said, emotional intelligence is a required skill if you are to lead or work successfully with a group or team.
Harnessing a person’s emotional intelligence can have significant results. In the workplace it can help you pick the best candidate for a position.
Emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage moods and emotions in the self and others, contributes to effective leadership in organizations. Jennifer George suggest emotional intelligence contributes to effective leadership by focusing on five essential elements of leader effectiveness: development of collective goals and objectives; instilling in others an appreciation of the importance of work activities; generating and maintaining enthusiasm, confidence, optimism, cooperation, and trustencouraging flexibility in decision making and change; and establishing and maintaining a meaningful identity for an organization.
Emotional Intelligence has become a vital part of how today’s leaders meet the significant challenges they face. Emotional Intelligence can help leaders in an evermore difficult leadership role, one that fewer and fewer people seem capable of fulfilling. And in the middle of the “Talent War”, especially at the highest levels in organisations, emotional intelligence can give developing leaders a competitive edge.
The assessment of EI in leadership and teams is tremendously helpful. We use a sophisticated variety of approaches including 360 feedback and experiential exercises. This brings the whole concept alive and allows individuals to go beyond their existing knowledge and comfort zones thus producing real impact, growth and change. Eintel Organisation is happy to work with companies and to guarantee change and improvement.
In 1980 Reuven Bar-on was researching the qualities that lead to success. He showed there was much more than traditional Intelligence or IQ and developed the concept of Emotional Intelligence – the Emotional Quotient or EQ was born.
Based on more than 20 years of research worldwide, the BarOn EQ-I inventory examines an individual’s emotional and social strengths and weaknesses. Once the areas that need improvement have been identified, the client can immediately begin exploring and developing those areas. At the same time, areas where the client excels can be used to his or her full potential to maximize effectiveness in daily tasks.
The BarOn EQ-i tests a wide spectrum of emotional intelligence on intrapersonal, interpersonal, adaptability, stress management and general mood scales. There are 133 items and it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. It gives an overall EQ score as well as scores for the 5 composite scales and 15 subscales which include Self-Regard, Emotional Self Awareness , Assertiveness, Independence , Self-Actualization, Empathy , Social Responsibility , Interpersonal Relationship , Reality Testing , Flexibility , Problem Solving , Stress Tolerance , Impulse Control , Optimism and Happiness.
If you want to book EQi for yourself, please complete the following information by clicking here, giving as much detail as possible. If you want EQi tested for a friend or family, please ask for their willingness first. Please make a note that the results with be discussed with them individually and we will not be able to tell you the results of their EQi and sub scales due to confidentiality reasons.
If you are a corporate owner or head of team and want to get your team members tested for EQi, please contact us
A recent study in the Journal of Public Personnel Management found that training improved managerial productivity 22.4% while training plus coaching improved productivity 88%.
David A.Fitzhugh, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, believes the quality of the relationship between boss and subordinate is a major predictor of success. Talking with subordinates about their developmental needs absolutely affects that relationship positively and there’s a big potential payoff.
Dr Stephen Langhorn recently submitted his thesis on the role of emotions in
service organizations and has used the Bar-on Eqi in determining the links between emotional competence and key performance outcomes.
His research outputs are summarised briefly below.
Luskin et al in 2005 have studied -The effect of emotional competence/forgiveness training on productivity and well being in financial service advisors. Results showed gross dealer concession (sales) increased an average of 18% – 46%.The average participant improvement in productivity was 25% which we compared to a corresponding 10% increase in sales for the rest of the advisors. In addition the stress levels of the 36 participants who completed the year long training decreased 29% over the year of the project while their reported positive emotional states increased 24% over the year of the project. Quality of life, anger and physical vitality measures also demonstrated statistically significant year to year positive change.
To get more reports on how emotional intelligence benefits the business click here.
Please provide full details of yourself or your organisation that will sponsor your coaching by clicking here. You need to be prepared for opening up your thinking and stretching in areas of weak signal, for getting maximum benefit. Introspection is helpful. Alternatively, you can choose to target coaching in any particular area to raise the effectiveness that will contribute the most to your success.
Free coaching sessions are offered to those who are committed to achievement and have shown considerable progress in life. There is no age limit and very young people at the beginning of career have been given opportunity in recent past. Please fill in the enquiry form by clicking here and put reasons why you consider qualifying for Free sessions.
Designer life programme involve tailor made coaching to assimilate all your dreams and wishes into a composite and subsequently design a programme for you to achieve it in a step wise fashion. You are the driver and have the responsibility for crystallising the plan and prioritising your actions for achieving what you want, the coach will help designing the framework.